Wednesday, October 16, 2013


For the past few hours, I've been intensely writing about the female archetype presented in Gantz, the manga, and how they rely on repetitive tropes and dismiss any form of female character development. But now I'm reluctant about posting, seeing how my initial intention was to recommend a few horror mangas for All Hallows' Eve. I made a simple joke -to myself- about how most of the women in the manga "die" at one point or another for a male lead, and it opened a damn flood gate that I didn't even know existed. Any who, I post a few recommendations later on, and leave the rant in the draft for a later post.

It's been about three or four weeks since I opened my Ebay store, and its been a pretty interesting learning experience. Dealing with delinquent bidders and getting use to constant repetitive tasks are tiring at times, but kind of fun... In a fucked up way. I'll try and do my best to keep the momentum going while I'm not so busy and post more loot.

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