Wednesday, July 27, 2011


(HOBBY HORSE Issue #4)

I just bought a copy of Hobby Hose #4 and I'm mega ecstatic. Over the past two years, I have really begun to appreciate the artwork of 5003 and DDOCK. There's just something about their individual aesthetics that appeals to me, so having them collab on Hobby Horse is so dope.

Cop dat shit here: Making Deals

Saturday, July 16, 2011

FANFICTION: Unknown Grunt c.1943

A dope creation from FANFICTION, which I have been crushing on for a very long time. From what I've read online, there were only 100 printed on Kodak Endura professional photo paper with a glossy finish, with sizes ranging from 8x10 to 16×20. Dude, I'm drooling right now...

FANFICTION's Etsy and Bigcartel stores are currently on hiatus, so patience is a vertu or some shit.

Friday, July 15, 2011

SebastiAn - Embody

This song has been out for around five months and I'm still dancing to it everyday.