I packed super fast and light so as a result I left a crape-load of things i wanted to bring, but I really didn't care as long as packed my Dream Cast and MVC2 (I love you late-late 90's).
-I bet I could of lasted the whole week on two pair of underwear ;)
My brother has been living in Albany for about five years and I made several jokes about him living in the middle of nowhere only living near a pig and a chicken. All-in-all, Albany is pretty decent (Piggaly Wiggaly is where the action is).
My brother doesn't have cable (O__O) so for a whole week we all watched random shows on the internet the day after they premiered on television. 30 rock and the Office gave me moments of salvation (=__=).
We rarely get to hangout together as a family and when we do... we have lots of fun (I guess we really didn't need TV...).

(My sister Ashley and me)
WONDER MENT OF LIFE: A Circuit City near us went out of business last week in Albany so everything was 60%-80%. We busted into Circuit City like Spaniards plundering for gold... but I'm pretty sure we didn't rape any native american.
I bought like eight CDs for $2.50 each.
Uhm, I'm pretty sure I did a lot more during my trip but i cant really remember :(
-the end
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