I have a washer and dryer at home but they seemed to have died on us...
RIP Washer and Dryer
*I really don't know when we got them
So for the past two/three years I have been going to a HOT/MUSTY/OLD laundry mat near my house. On all accounts, the place really suck but we do get our cloths done.
Things to beware of:
>Expired ice cream bars
>TV channels such as TCM were they play old Ronald Reagan movies... over and over and over!
>Floors covered in a brown grimy mold which looks like a venereal disease.
>Screaming kids who pee and poop everywhere.
>People stealing your underwear/you accidently stealing someone else's underwear =__=
>Being so bored that you daydream about someone busting into the laundry mat and shooting up the place but you already planed out your escape rout but it requires you to use others as human shields.
(me being bored)
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