After I found my girl friends copy of pokemon blue, I've been playing it on my game-boy pocket and color like a zombie. After about a week, I soon started to re-explore my game-boy game collection and reach a level of nirvana.( ̄ー ̄)
Even though I feel great about jumping back into the past, I have abandoned the thought of even playing with my obese classic or original game-boy (and I have three of them =_=; ).
-Its pudgy
-Its hella gray (later models of the classic game-boy came out with several different colors but I don't have any)
-It takes four AA batteries to operate (unless you have DC6V adaptor)
-Out of all the models, it has the smallest screen (a side from the game-boy micro).
-Games look yellow-ish and gray (and not even the contrast can help)
-The adaptor port is to high up.
-The B and A buttons look like sweet tarts
(and that is it ¬_¬)
To be honesty, the game-boy classic is still pretty damn sweet.
Its wonderment, the beez neez! \(^o^)/